
“I believe that Joe’s ministry in bringing the Gospel of Christ, the Church Tradition and Church teachings through music will make it more interesting for the young and the old alike.”

Rev. Riz J Carranza
(Pastor, St. Peter Claver Church, Simi Valley, CA)

“We have been blessed to work with Joe and plan to work with him in the near future.  He is a man of faith, virtue, and has an incredible evangelical spirit that radiates from his positive, unique and authentic ministry.”

Bob Noel
(Formation of Discipleship, Diocese of Crookston, MN)

“Joe has a gift for connecting youth with Jesus! His passionate witness made a lasting impression on our parish’s Confirmation candidates.”

Fr. Jeffery Dufresne 
(Pastor, St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, Indianápolis, IN)

“Mr. Melendrez is a person of Good Moral Character and reputation in the Catholic Community. His dedication and ability to connect with today’s youth is inspirational!”

Most Rev. Joseph V. Brennan, D.D., V.G.
(Bishop of the Latin Church, Diocese of Fresno, CA)

“As our keynote presenter at New York Catholic Youth Days, he had our youth fully engaged as he can authentically preach the Gospel in a culturally relevant way, meeting the needs of our diverse communities present.”

Christina Davis
(Director of Youth Ministry, Archdiocese of New York, NY)

“Joe’s extensive religious studies and knowledge accompanied by his musical talent and skill give him the ability to relate, engage and communicate to the Youth, and Young Adults with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have nothing but a deep respect for Joe’s love of Christ and silliness to strive for excellence in anything he sets his mind to.”

Fr. Rob Galea
(Director of Icon Ministry, Diocese of Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia)

“The ministry of Joe Melendrez is energetic, gracious and awakens in young people a newfound confidence in the tenderness of God. He gives youth real access to the "Joy of the Gospel" through his music, talks, and retreats. Any Church community will be many-times blessed by his ground-breaking approach to evangelization.”

Rev. Gregory J Boyle, S.J.
(Founder and Executive Director, Homeboy Industries, Los Angeles, CA)

“Joe’s Catholic-Christian Hip-Hop style had my young audience of many cultures, dancing, singing, laughing and praising. Further, Joe has a ‘likeability’ that cannot be understated.”

Kevin Driscoll
(Coordinator of Office for Youth & Young Adults Diocese of Gary, IN)

“He is well regarded in his field and has my full confidence in his work. I know of no reason why Joe Melendrez should not be welcomed into your Diocese. I am confident his presentations will be well received.”

Most Reverend José H. Gomez
(Archbishop of Los Angeles, CA)

“Each student that attended our retreat lead by Joe Melendrez, walked away with a renewed excitement, a new way to be a role model to their peers.”

Kristi Lucero
(Director of Youth Ministry Sacred Heart Church, Farmington, NM)

“His integration of the prayers of the rosary, as well as his personal witnessing, creates an almost non-identified, to date, genre a music which has a great future.”

Reverend Carlos B. Velázquez 
(Rector of San Fernando Cathedral San Antonio, TX)

“Joe is an authentic example of a true disciple of Christ and he naturally connects with people, especially with youth. I highly recommend him to any faith community who wants to be on fire for God- he will inspire you and much more!”

Tanya Velazquez
(Central Catholic High school Theology Chair, Modesto, CA)

“When we’re doing events, we want young people to lose their inhibitions and enter into the event. Many people can do that well with young people. But Joe is able to do that while leading young people in an invocation of the Holy Spirit. It is a rare gift to have young people shouting God’s name in praise at the beginning of an event. This is why I want to bring him into any event I’m involved with.”

Robert Feduccia
(Vice-President of EQSaints, Nashville, TN)